Car Wrapping BMW M4 - Total wrapping
There are very powerful cars that by their nature are also extremely flashy (even without being coated), especially if they have a cheeky color like this BMW M4, they are in short of the supercar!
This luxury car, with the "red lobster opaque" paint and with the standard carbon roof and mirrors, gave the car how few cars can do.
Full covering with adhesive film - metallized matt black
Using the car wrapping technique we covered it completely (including the interior doors) with one of the best car wrapping films available on the market:
the metallic matt Hexis adhesive film! The fact that this film is also beautiful, has done nothing but maintain the original exclusive character of the car,
but making it perfect for everyday use.
The BMW M4 was washed thoroughly, cleaned in all its parts with special cleaning products, lifted with a special scissor lift, we then dismantled bumpers and doors, only at this point we proceeded to cover the entire body of the car, the interior doors and the internal frame.
The result is a unique car that has maintained its sporty look, after wrapping, nothing makes you think that the car is covered with film, to realize it must open the bonnet.
The combination of the Hexis metallic matte black wrapping film and the standard carbon roof and mirrors is perfect.
Looking at the car now, the final result is even better than the standard color.
Microstudio, car wrapping and vehicle decoration, in Treviso since 1960