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Mercedes Classe A - Matte Metallic Charcoal

Mercedes Classe A, a young car that lends itself well to wrap with adhesive film, the film Avery Supreme has made it unique and captivating.

Car Wrapping | Mercedes Classe A

We could not miss in our collection, a wrappin for the "newborne" Mercedes, the A-Class, covered with the film Wrapping supreme "Avery Charcoal Matte Metallic Gray".

This specific film for car wrap, has a perfectly balanced gray color, neither too dark nor too light, has no blue dominant and is therefore perfectly neutral.

Car wrapping with adhesive film | Wrapping matte grey

The car wrapping foresees the cladding of the external body of the vehicle:

the adhesive film Avery series "Wrapping Supreme" Gray Matte, has allowed us to transform this elegant calsse A Mercedes, into a young car that knows how to get noticed.

Well, what can I say, another "collection" car wrapped in the smallest details with the care and passion that every perfect coating requires.

The Avery adhesive film was also chosen for its stability, durability, opacity and color tones; at the end of the work, the car seemed grayed out by the dealer, in fact, once exposed in the showroom at the dealership Mercedes Carraro of Treviso, the amazing Class A seemed to leave the factory with that particular wrap opaque, arousing the interest of unaware customers.

Microstudio, car wrapping Mercedes | in Treviso since 1960.

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Car Wrapping Mercedes Classe A | Microstudio Treviso

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